Half a year ago I wrote a blog post about the IMU. In short an IMU is a small board with a 3 axis gyroscope and a 3 axis accelerometer. When rotating this small board you can actually measure the rotation and acceleration of the board. This data is sent to the computer. You can use the data for a kinds of applications. For example for robotics, unmanned aerial vehicles, or advanced motion-capture devices. A couple of months ago I bought one, ArduIMU, build by DIY Drones. And some more months later I finally took the time to give it a try. I simply followed the instructions in the manual and got it working quite easy...on a PC. The problem is that normally use Mac. But when I try to read out the data showing in the Serial Monitor of the Arduino IDE on my Mac, its complete hocus pocus to me. Next step will be filtering and converting the data. I think...
Unknown Unknowns. An Introduction to Mysteries
The show addresses a series of themes including: gravity as “the greatest
designer”, extraterrestrial architecture, deep space mysteries, future body