zaterdag 27 februari 2010

Conflux at SonicActs 2010

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A very scary trip in the best horror movie and lots of smoke.

donderdag 25 februari 2010

woensdag 24 februari 2010

Disassembling an electric fan...

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maandag 22 februari 2010


The PeerGrouP developed a new theater play for festivals next summer. Icarus inspired by black box recordings of crashed airplanes, and one of the biggest airplane disasters ever on Tenerife in 1977. The play shows a very dynamic interaction between the actors, lights, a lot of sound effects, and lots of video and animations.We did three try-outs at Feb. 18,29,20. All together there are about 200 ques for sound, video and light. We are working on a one button que system to trigger all the media together.

You can watch the play at De Parade:
Rotterdam: 17 t/m 20 juni
Utrecht: 22 t/m 27 juli
Amsterdam: 17 t/m 22 augustus

Photo's by Peter Rillema

maandag 8 februari 2010

Transmediale Berlin 4,5,6 Feb.

For the second time to the Transmediale Berlin. Left for Berlin at Thursday night, accompanied with fellow student Marcel. A killing but inspiring weekend Transmediale, Italo Disco, and Club Transmediale. Arrived in back in Groningen Sunday night.
Saw some interesting works.

A Parallel Image, by Gebhard Sengmüller

White Noise, by Žilvinas Kempinas