dinsdag 8 december 2009

Nou&Herkauw @ DutchBloggies

On December the first, the DutchBloggies had their Ninth Award show for the best blog in several categories. Nou&Herkauw was happy to be part of it and did a performance more emphasized on blogging.

New modules and contributions:

HumanTweetBox developed by Gerrald van de Kolk.
Write your tweets, and record yourself to express your tweets visually. The tweets combined with the recordings are used as source material for the N&H veejaays.

TweejayTool by Erik Katerborg.
A tool that integrates tweets from Twitter in Module 8. Based on tags or topics, search for tweets. The tool translates the tweets into typographic animations used for vj-ing.

Flickr/Moby photo download tool developed by myself. Is not fully working yet. Based on topics and tags automatically downloads pictures from mobypicture and flickr, and integrates them as a photostream in the N&H Veejaytool.