In collaboration with Marin de Boer, Snow developed a VJ-performance for the first edition of the DeSpeech. A magazine for the senses, and a new project by the Dutch band LPG.
The first edition of DeSpeech was a plubication of an EP in a special hand made box, with the theme 'Day&Night'. The show celebrated the release. We performed at Vera Groningen, Tivoli Utrecht, and Paradiso Amsterdam
For the performance we used scale models, live cams, looped camera sequences, copied transparent sheets, and lcd screens as backdrops. The resulting show was made on the spot.
Found this project thanks to Simon. I'm interested in the different methods artists use to transform tangible reality into digital forms and data. And the way we preceive these forms. This project made me think of 'the Tower' in which we are also researching methods to digitize the participant.
Digital Flesh is a project developed by The Science Project, YesYesNo & Paranoid USwith Partlyhuman, Apologue & Peter Klein. In this project they create a digital, mythical organism by combining 3D scans of participating humans. The scans are made by portals on different locations in several countries around the world.
During the opening weekend of ForumImages, September 24,25,26, we had the opportunity to try out a next step in the development of the Tower. The tower is a generative installation fed by input and recordings of humans. It is as growing human database. Each human has his/her own unique place in the crowd, based on differences and resemblances with other humans. The more resemblances, the more attraction, and the other way around. This ongoing project is a collaboration with Frans van Hoesel. Frans is head of department for High Performance Computing and Visualization of the Rijks University of Groningen and developed the software and algorithms for visualization. The greenscreen setup where pictures of the visitors where taken. The interface where visitors could choose 5 to 8 words which fit the person best. The growing crowd. People highlighted based on resembling words. As you can see there where a lot of creative people ;).
The try out at the ForumImages was based on a first experiment with the different ingredients of 350 cocktails.
Yesterday I changed my profile picture by making myself incognito with a mosaic effect. Today, after googling pictures related to my name, I found my old picture connected to my blogspot url. But I can't find this picture in my profile.
Nam June Paik’s TV Buddha was produced as a gap-filler for an empty wall in his fourth show in the Galeria Bonino. The installation consists of a Buddha statue placed in front of a TV gazing at its own video image, registered by video camera.
Causing an infinite, closed feedback loop installation of which the spectator is excluded. The traditional, closed eyed Buddha, cut off from external stimuli, contemplating the inner self, is forced to interact with a media perception of the self. This conflicting, possibly incompatible, situation enhances the interaction between the two. During the 'Projekt '74' exhibition in Cologne, Paik took the Buddha’s place, suggesting the implicit antithesis between transcendentalism and technology was equally present in his own personality.
The installation Me TV is developed as a funny but critical note to the Singularity theory of Ray Kurzweil. Which claims that in the near future, humanity transcends its biological limitations by exponential evolving technologies. The theory was a main theme for an assignment given by our semester lecturer Kees de Groot.
Me TV invites the spectator to take the position of the Buddha statue and experience its conflict. On the one hand, get in a meditation state by closing the eyes and closing oneself from external stimuli. On the other hand, experience the perfect image and invoke the infinite feedback loop. With the use of a brain computer interface that measures the brain activity, the spectator is able to influence the distorted image. By achieving a meditation state, the image gets restored. An attempt to see the perfect image mostly fails. When opening the eyes, the brains get stimulated and distort the image again.
TV Buddha, Nam June Paik, 1974
ME TV, Gogbot Festival, 2010
Noottocht is a collaboration between the PeerGrouP and the NNO (Northen Dutch Orchestra). Every year the NNO develops an educational concert for schoolkids all around the Northern region of Holland. This year they invited the PeerGrouP to develop the theatrical concept. Noottocht is a theatrical concert which tells an extraordinary adventure of the music composer Geuterbach. Geuterbach suffers a terrible writers block ever since is wife died. He isn't able to compose a single score, and he changed in a very moody, grumbling, lonely man. After he rejected an invitation to write the opening score for the Viennese Competition, he falls asleep and in his dream the portrait of his wife gets stolen by two flying flutes. This is the start of a magical journey into the enchanted forest of the orchestra. The play is performed by the actor Rogier in 't Hout, puppet player(and maker) Siem van Leeuwen and his puppets, and the director and all his musicians(about 60) of the orchestra. The stage and theatrical design was developed by Sjoerd Wagenaar. We were asked to develop a video concept to visualize the dream and the forest of the orchestra. Rogier and his puppet alter ego.
To create the dream world and the instrumental forest, we used the actual musicians of the orchestra and their instruments as a starting point. This because the dreamworld is an extension of the real orchestra. We took a lot of photo's of the orchestra, and collected as much photo's of instruments as possible. Also a friendly artist of Siem created a resembling puppet version of the actor, which we used to record all kinds of running scenes in front of a green screen. During the play there was a continuous switch between the actor on stage and his puppet version on the screen, running trough the forest. We created the dreamworld by combining all kinds of different techniques and software like; live-action video, photo collages, 3D modelling and compositing, Photoshop, After effects, and Cinema 4D. Recording the mud bubbles for the swamp scene.
Our team got reinforced by our intern Richard Toepoel and media designer Egmar Erausquin, who both made magnificent contribution! Opening scene!
I did overall artistic coordination of the project. The challenge was to give the animations the dynamics and edits of movie scenes. And also to give the scenes a magical, dreamlike atmosphere. This instead of the more abstract, non narrative animations I'm used to make for VJ performances. Angry forest scene, created by Richard Toepoel.
Finally Noottocht was performed in Groningen, Stadskanaal, Hoogeveen, Emmen, Meppel, Drachten and Leeuwarden, from the 10th till the 25th of June. About 20.000 schoolkids enjoyed the theatre concert.
Me TV, quotes Nam June Paiks TV Buddha and invites the spectator to bridge the gap between transcendentalism and technology. By achieving a meditation state, the spectator restores the signal and completes his or her videorecorded image on the screen. Brainwaves are measured by a Mindset, which manipulate the video-signal. I used the Arduino Brain Library developed by Eric Mika
Half a year ago I wrote a blog post about the IMU. In short an IMU is a small board with a 3 axis gyroscope and a 3 axis accelerometer. When rotating this small board you can actually measure the rotation and acceleration of the board. This data is sent to the computer. You can use the data for a kinds of applications. For example for robotics, unmanned aerial vehicles, or advanced motion-capture devices. A couple of months ago I bought one, ArduIMU, build by DIY Drones. And some more months later I finally took the time to give it a try. I simply followed the instructions in the manual and got it working quite easy...on a PC. The problem is that normally use Mac. But when I try to read out the data showing in the Serial Monitor of the Arduino IDE on my Mac, its complete hocus pocus to me. Next step will be filtering and converting the data. I think...
Open Mind is a collaboration with Professor of Dynamical Systems Henk Broer from the RUG, and Guy Weizman Artistic Director and Choreographer of Club Guy and Roni. The project is initiated by Pavlov E-Lab. For five days we discussed various topics intersecting chaotic mathematical models such as Hénon-Heiles, the resonance of Mercury, algorithmic choreographies, sonar reflections, media art, etc. The aim was to develop collaborative concepts to be researched and realized in future projects. Friday the 19th we presented our results and initial concepts in an empty store at the Nieuwe Ebbingesraat in Groningen. The presentation was a collection of participative experiments, a short lecture by Henk Broer, and a calculated video choreography based on the Hénon-Heiles system. It was an extraordinary, strange, chaotic, and playful happening. Thanks to Pavlov E-Lab. Henk giving a lecture. Kids playing the Solar Collision Game inspired by a model developed by Laskar. Throwing plates on the frequency of the 5:2,3:2,2:1,and 1:1 resonance models. Hénon-Heiles translated to the body of a dancer.
Voor de Open Mind editie maart 2010 worden professor Henk Broer, choreograaf Guy Weizman en mediakunstenaar Adri Schokker samengebracht in een kort intensief werkproces. Op vrijdag 19 maart zullen ze een korte presentatie geven van hun denkproces en verkenningen in een winkelruimte in de Nieuwe Ebbingestraat.
Henk Broer is deskundige op het gebied van niet-lineaire dynamische systemen, in het dagelijkse taalgebruik bekend onder de term ‘chaostheorie’ . Kort gezegd komt de chaostheorie er op neer dat een klein verschil in een bepaalde beginwaarde een enorm effect kan hebben op de uitkomst.
Guy Weizman is een choreograaf die de uiterste grens van de dans opzoekt. Eerder deed hij intensief onderzoek naar de ‘chaostheorie’ en maakte enkele voorstellingen die hierop waren gebaseerd.
Adri Schokker is een mediakunstenaar die zich manifesteert via interactieve installaties, videofilms, performances en theatrale vormgeving. Hij voedt zich met een breed scala aan onderwerpen maar gaat daarbij ook nog eens de diepte in. Toen hij bij Open Mind 2009 met Professor John Videler samenwerkte aan het “How do Birds Fly” thema, doorzocht hij dagen-en nachtenlang de vakliteratuur naar de mogelijkheden om daadwerkelijk met zijn eigen lichaam te kunnen vliegen.
Bij de eerste bijeenkomst werd op verzoek van Guy besloten het onderzoek te focussen op akoestische levitatie. Een gebied waar nog weinig mee gedaan is. Er is daarna voor een bredere insteek gekozen: we gaan onderzoeken hoe geluid invloed kan hebben op materie. We beginnen bij de eenvoudige vragen; Wat is geluid, hoe reist het en welke invloed kunnen verschillende geluidsfrequenties op elkaar hebben? Hoe ziet een choreografie eruit die bestaat uit verschillende geluidsresonanties die op elkaar inwerken?
Resonantie: als in een systeem twee of meer oscillerende (zeg trillende of slingerende -- dansende) bewegingen samenwerken.
see / hear / fly Na twee korte weken samen, geeft het Open Mind Resonance Choreographies team een korte presentatie van de wilde en ongepolijste ideeën die bij het onderzoek boven zijn gekomen.
Kom langs en leer in 20 minuten hoe geluid een chaotisch systeem kan veroorzaken en hoor waarom Mercurius waarschijnlijk op termijn uit zijn baan met de zon zal gaan....
Today I tried to make 3D models out of Dennis and Merel with the structured light scanning technique. More information about the technique in this Instructable by Kyle McDonald. I'm fascinated by the atmosphere of the scans. The imperfect and distorted images,vague digital reflections. Because I didn't have enough patience I didn't calibrate the camera very well. I think this caused more distortion. I think I like it.
This week I managed to control the speed of a cordless drill with an Arduino and a potentiometer. Thanx to Ron! Because this drill uses 1,3A and 14,4V the machine is to strong to power with an Arduino. As external power source I used the DC adapter of the drill.
I use this Arduino code to control the motor:
int motor = 10; int sensorPin = 0; // select the input pin for the potentiometer int sensorValue = 0; // variable to store the value coming from the sensor
void setup() { analogWrite(motor, 0); } void loop() { // read the value from the sensor: sensorValue = analogRead(sensorPin);
sensorValue = map(sensorValue, 0, 1023, 0, 255);
analogWrite(motor, sensorValue);
Next motor will be a washing machine motor, I hope :). This technical research is part of my neglected pet-robot project.
Pecha Gnucha is a presentation, in which participants can give a presentation about their projects. But all within the rule of 20 slides, and 20 seconds for each slide. The total time is 6 min. 40 sec. The focus of the projects has to be on the open source character.
Last minute I, and some fellow students of IME, applied for a presentation of some works-in-progress.
The PeerGrouP developed a new theater play for festivals next summer. Icarus inspired by black box recordings of crashed airplanes, and one of the biggest airplane disasters ever on Tenerife in 1977. The play shows a very dynamic interaction between the actors, lights, a lot of sound effects, and lots of video and animations.We did three try-outs at Feb. 18,29,20. All together there are about 200 ques for sound, video and light. We are working on a one button que system to trigger all the media together.
You can watch the play at De Parade: Rotterdam: 17 t/m 20 juni Utrecht: 22 t/m 27 juli Amsterdam: 17 t/m 22 augustus
For the second time to the Transmediale Berlin. Left for Berlin at Thursday night, accompanied with fellow student Marcel. A killing but inspiring weekend Transmediale, Italo Disco, and Club Transmediale. Arrived in back in Groningen Sunday night.
Saw some interesting works.
A Parallel Image, by Gebhard Sengmüller
An E-Waste Workshop by Benjamin Gaulon & Laurens Rozema. Recycle old hardware into new works.
Goal: Control an old washing machine motor with brainwaves.
To complex in a two day workshop.
Begin simple. Play with Arduino, small motors, and mutilate a toy monkey.
Unknown Unknowns. An Introduction to Mysteries
The show addresses a series of themes including: gravity as “the greatest
designer”, extraterrestrial architecture, deep space mysteries, future body